Cleaning Up Your Own Backyard

  • Here's Why It's Important To Mow Your Lawn Regularly

    14 August 2020

    When you own a home, it's important that you not only care for regular home maintenance but that you also take care of your whole property. Many homeowners fall behind on landscaping tasks because they just don't have the time to keep up all on their own. If you fail to mow your lawn regularly or take care of other landscaping needs, your lawn and property can quickly get out of order.

  • Thinking About A Custom Landscape? 3 Things To Keep In Mind

    10 July 2020

    Landscaping is more critical than you may realize. The right landscaping can significantly enhance your home's appeal and increase its value. Landscaping can also add privacy and keep you safer in your home. Things like lighting and fencing can have a significant impact. While you can tackle landscaping yourself, you may want to consider hiring a professional. Custom landscaping that is specially created for your property is an excellent option. Here's what you need to keep in mind when it comes to custom landscaping services.

  • 4 Reasons Tree Trimming is Important for the Grounds of Your Professional Building

    25 June 2020

    If you own or manage a professional building, it's important to keep the grounds welcoming and tidy to make a good impression on clients. While trees add beauty to a property, they can also cause some problems if you don't have them trimmed regularly. Here's why tree trimming is important for the land around your professional building. Thinned Branches Allow More Light In A tree that's left to grow wild can have dense branches that block most of the light.

  • Four Tips To Control Weeds In New Sod

    29 May 2020

    A major issue with trying to grow a lawn from seed is that weeds often move in before the grass establishes itself. Planting from sod helps alleviate this issue, but sometimes, weeds can still try to establish themselves before the sod is fully rooted. The following tips can help you prevent weed problems in your new sod. 1. Prepare the Soil Correctly If you had weed problems before you planted the sod, there is an increased chance that you will still have weeds after the sod is down -- unless you are proactive in preventing them.

  • Three Ways That Fake Grass Can Save You Money

    2 April 2020

    Many homeowners are constantly looking for ways to save money around their yards. If you fit this description, you might wish to inquire about replacing your natural grass with fake grass. Also known as artificial turf, fake grass has a realistic appearance and offers a wide range of advantages. One of the most appealing things that you'll find about fake grass is its ability to save you money. While it's true that you'll need to pay for the product and its installation, you won't have ongoing costs afterward.

  • 5 Landscape Design Strategies For Creating A Bird Habitat In Your Yard

    28 February 2020

    If you're like many homeowners, the sight of your feathered friends fluttering among the trees and other vegetation in your yard is something that you enjoy. You probably also like listening to the unique music many songbirds make, especially during the spring and early summer when birds are looking for their mates. Perhaps you even have a bird feeder set up in your outdoor living space. However, you should know that bird feeders often aren't the best approach.

  • Set In Stone: Decorative Masonry Services For Landscaping Purposes

    20 November 2019

    There are all kinds of masonry services available to homeowners, but perhaps the most interesting kind of masonry helps decorate your landscaping. These particular services set up permanent features that enhance your yard and your garden. If you think you would like to know what kinds of things a professional mason can do for your yard, check out the following.  Stepping Stones Old English gardens have stepping stones throughout the landscape.

  • Tree Pruning By The Season

    20 November 2019

    Your landscape trees provide shade in the summer and windbreaks in the winter. Pruning is necessary for making sure the trees are both attractive and safe. Know the trimming needs for your trees for every season so you can make sure that the trees are in the best health possible year-round. Winter Late winter is the time to do major pruning on most trees. Plan to prune before the buds begin to break.

  • Aspects Of Lawn Care That Promote A Healthy Lawn

    9 November 2019

    Proper lawn care requires a time commitment and knowledge about grass and weeds. You may not have the time or interest necessary for growing a lush and healthy lawn. Fortunately, you can hire a lawn care service to maintain your yard so it always looks professionally tended with no effort on your part. Here are some important steps that you or your lawn care service should take to keep your yard in top shape.

  • 4 Ways To Landscape Your Business to Draw Positive Attention

    18 September 2019

    When it comes to landscaping the outside of your business, you need to think beyond just some basic grass. The landscaping outside of your business makes an impression on your customers and can bring in customers or cause them to turn away. Your landscaping really matters. Here are three tricks for creating engaging landscaping in front of your business.  Focus on the Entrance First, you need to make sure you focus your landscaping efforts on the front of the business.