Cleaning Up Your Own Backyard

  • Paver Options To Give Outdoor Spaces Custom Surfaces

    23 April 2021

    If you want to add custom surfaces to outdoor spaces, pavers are the perfect solution. You have choices for the different types of pavers, styles, and designs that can be created with these surfaces. Thus, you may want to start planning a paver installation project to make over your outdoor areas. The following options will help you create the surfaces for your outdoor spaces: Conventional Brick Pavers for Outdoor Surfaces

  • Floating Sod: What It Is and How to Prevent It

    16 March 2021

    A common problem when installing a sod lawn is an issue called "floating sod." This occurs when the sod floats on top of the soil instead of making full contact. Signs of Floating Sod It can be difficult to recognize that the sod isn't in full contact until several days after installation. One common symptom is that it is taking more water to keep the grass green compared to the watering schedule recommended by your installer.