Cleaning Up Your Own Backyard

Landscape Stone Delivery Is Convenient When You're Working On A Landscaping Project

by Warren Garcia

If you need a lot of stone pavers or gravel for a landscaping project, it's helpful to use a landscape stone delivery service so you don't have to transport the heavy materials yourself. You can go to the stone supply center and pick out the stones you like and then arrange delivery for them. Be sure to calculate how much to buy first by taking measurements of the area you're landscaping. Here's how landscape stone delivery works.

Figure Out A Good Place For Delivery

You probably don't want a truckload of gravel dumped on your driveway in front of your garage if it's going to take a few weeks to use all the gravel. Find a convenient place that's out of the way and that won't violate any HOA regulations or city codes. You'll probably want gravel placed on a concrete pad or some other surface that keeps grass from growing up over the rocks.

Make Sure There Is Space For The Delivery Truck

When landscape stones are delivered, they may be dumped out loose at the site you designate or they may be bundled and delivered on a pallet. The stones may be delivered by a large truck, but the truck may carry a skid steer that can move the stones to your property and fit in tighter spaces, such as your side yard behind a gate. Ask the landscape stone delivery service how much space you need to allow for the delivery truck so you can move obstructions out of the way and find a suitable space for the stones to be put down.

Find Out How Long You Have To Work

Getting the stones delivered in bulk is convenient, but if you don't work very fast, you might run into problems by having the stones on your driveway for weeks. Check local codes and your HOA to find out how much time you have to work. You should have plenty of time to complete your project, but it's best to find out upfront if there is a code that prohibits you from keeping stones on your driveway past a certain amount of time.

One way to shorten the amount of time it takes to put down the stones is to have everything ready before you have the stones delivered. For instance, have the base of your walkway complete and ready to put the flagstone pavers down so you don't spend time building the base while the stones are waiting to be used. Having the stones delivered in bulk helps your project go quicker since you won't have to make multiple trips to pick up stones in your car. All the stones will be on your property waiting for you to use them when you're ready.
