Cleaning Up Your Own Backyard

Reasons To Schedule Tree Pruning This Winter

by Warren Garcia

Some people assume they aren't supposed to seek tree pruning services in winter because all the leaves have fallen. Another misconception is that arborists rarely operate during this season. But winter is an ideal time for tree pruning. Actually, some specific pruning tasks can only be done in winter, like trimming fruit-bearing trees to enhance production.

During the cold months, trees enter the dormancy state, and there are key reasons why dormant pruning is recommended. This post will share some reasons to help you understand why you need to schedule pruning this winter.

You'll Avoid Spreading Infections

If you're pruning a particular tree to control a disease, cutting the infected parts in winter will aid in its recovery. Since the plant is dormant during this time, the infection won't spread to other trees. For instance, fire blight and oak wilt spread fast in the spring and summer because that is the time when trees grow. 

But during winter, the insects, fungi, bacteria, and parasites that could be causing or spreading the infection will be dormant or dead. For this reason, the disease will not be transmitted to other parts or nearby plants.

Trees Won't Be Stressed

When trees are dormant, their growth cannot be stimulated after pruning. If you schedule pruning in winter, the trees won't undergo stress as they are still dormant. But, when you prune right before dormancy (late fall), new growth may develop and be killed by the cold conditions. This will eventually damage or disfigure the tree. Consider pruning in winter so the tree can get enough time to heal. By the time the buds open in spring, the wounds will have healed, promoting healthy growth.

It'll Be Easier to Check the Structure

Once leaves drop off in the fall, it'll be easy to cut tree limbs as desired. Its structure will be clearly visible and identifying damaged and diseased branches won't be problematic either. However, when you trim in summer when the leaves are grown, it will be more challenging to see the structure or all the diseased limbs. So, prioritize dormancy pruning to acquire the best results.

It Will Avert Winter Damages

Keeping dying or damaged trees on the property during winter might be risky. If your area gets lots of snow or ice, the tree can fall unexpectedly and cause significant damage to your property. But, when you trim in winter, it'll be easier to prevent damage since you'll get rid of the unwanted limbs. The plant may also get an opportunity to rejuvenate once the dead or diseased limbs are removed.

For help caring for your trees this winter, contact a tree service in your area.
