If you would like to add a burst of color across the front of your yard, using a hydroseeder to plant wildflower seeds, fertilizer, and mulch pieces will assist with performing the job in an orderly fashion. After the seed mixture has been added to your lawn, water the seeds regularly until you notice an array of flowers have begun to fill in empty spots on your lawn.
You Will Need:
Mark A Plot And Prepare The Soil
Choose a portion of your front yard that receives plenty of sunlight and that is sparsely covered with grass and weeds. Use thin stakes to mark the corners of the plot. If you do not feel like pulling grass clumps and weeds by hand, move a power tiller over them until they have loosened. Rake up loose yard materials and dispose of them.
Level the surface of the soil by moving the back of a shovel across the property. If more soil is needed to fill in shallow holes, use a shovel to add soil to the areas in need. If you would like the plot of wildflowers to have a decorative border surrounding them, line up bright-colored bricks or rocks around the cleared land. Press the landscaping materials against the soil.
Prepare A Seed Mixture
If you recently purchased a hydroseeder and have never operated it before, read the manual that was enclosed with the machine before attempting to use it. You will need to add a combination of water, seeds, fertilizer, and mulch chips to the hydroseeder's tank.
The exact amount of each component that needs to be added to the tank will be dependent upon the type of wildflowers that you are planting. This information will be found in your machine's manual or on the back of the seed package. After adding the proper items to the machine's tank, mix the ingredients in the tank by turning on the machine.
Fill In The Plot And Water The Seeds
Move the hydroseeder to the edge of the plot. Stand near one corner of the cleared property. Hold the machine's nozzle tightly between your hands. Squeeze the hydroseeder's trigger to emit the seed mixture. Move the machine's nozzle along the plot and add an even amount of the seed mixture. Continue administering the mixture until the entire plot has been covered.
Wait several days for the seeds to germinate. Afterward, install a lawn sprinkler near the edge of the plot and turn it on a few times a week so that the soil that the seeds are planted in remains moist. For more information, contact companies like Bark Blowers & Hydroseeding Inc.